Edward Griffin

124 posts
As the CEO of Gamer Pro Corp, I lead a passionate team dedicated to creating immersive gaming experiences. With a background in gaming and a drive for innovation, I strive to push the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming world. Alongside my gaming career, I am also a small business owner, composer, and writer, exploring my creative side in various mediums. I pursued my education at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and hold a BSc in Biochemistry from The University of York, graduating in 2017. I am fueled by a lifelong curiosity and a deep love for the gaming community.
life is strangetrailerΞ TREND

Für ein neues Spiel der Macher von Life is Strange wurde ein Trailer veröffentlicht, der dieses Jahr erscheint

DON'T NOD Studio, bekannt für die Life is Strange-Reihe, hat einen Trailer zu seinem neuen Spiel veröffentlicht – Lost Records:...

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